Running Faster, Swearing More, and Death by Lizard Venom

Running Faster, Swearing More, and Death by Lizard Venom

Science News Quiz #12 (Mar 2024): Three Questions

This week: Running faster, swearing more, and venomous pets. What could possibly go wrong?

1 / 3

The Tottenham Hotspur football club has an academy for up-and-coming players, 14–15 years old. Coaches tried out different instructions to see which one would make kids run fastest. Which one is most effective?

2 / 3

A recent study focused on the degree to which people use swear words, depending on how much sleep they get. Which of the following is correct, according to that study.

3 / 3

A Colorado man has died after bring bitten by his pet Gila Monster. What drug was inspired by the venom of the Gila Monster?

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You’ll like this quiz. It’s not easy to get Dall-E to make an accurate-looking Gila Monster. I saw one once, but I didn’t get a teen to run with it, so I couldn’t use it for this.