Ticks, Alcohol, and Sore Eyes

Ticks, Alcohol, and Sore Eyes

Science News Quiz #13 (Mar 2024): Three Questions

This week: Wine, Eclipses, and Ticks.
You can get 3/3. I know you can.

1 / 3

To help people avoid tick bites, researchers have taken a flea and tick medicine for dogs, changed the name, and tested it on people. So far it works, killing ~90% of ticks when they crawl on the person's skin, even a month after they take the medicine. This is good because ticks spread Lyme disease.

What causes Lyme disease?

2 / 3

Does the brain of a sommelier light up differently when they drink wine compared to someone who drinks wine casually?

3 / 3

True or False: Looking at the sun during an eclipse (or any time) can permanently damage your eyes.

Your score is

The average score is 71%


This quiz is easier than most. Put on your eclipse glasses, throw back a glass of wine, and start checking yourself for ticks. This quiz is a roller coaster.